
With good road infrastructure and short distances we can shoot from city locations in the morning and green fields and coasts in the evening. Beaches, deserts, snow peaked mountains, valleys, rivers, ancient villages, modern cities are some of the different locations you can find in Spain and Morocco.





Western Streets

Locations management

Need to manage your locations better? Need to create lightboxes of location for your clients? Sunrise Fims solves both those problems. Let us market your locations to the industry 24 x 7 x 365.

We have a wide range of locations, all easily accessible.

The beautiful bay of Costa Quebrada, Cantabria, Spain

Locations management

Need to manage your locations better? Need to create lightboxes of location for your clients? Sunrise Fims solves both those problems. Let us market your locations to the industry 24 x 7 x 365.

We have a wide range of locations, all easily accessible.

The beautiful bay of Costa Quebrada, Cantabria, Spain
The Larino Lighthouse surrounded by rocks during the sunset in Spain

Spanish incentives

The country has a tax incentive for international filming in the tax rebate mode of 30%, in the first million euros, and 25%, except in the Canary Islands, which amounts to 50%. In Navarra they have 35% through tax credit.

Production services companies domiciled in Spain are essential when managing these tax incentives and advantages, as well as other production aids and consultations with the tax agency. To obtain these incentives it is necessary to meet a series of conditions. We also have incentives for national shootings or grants that affect co-productions.

Moroccan incentives

Morocco also happens to have a well developed filmmaking infrastructure – the result of decades of active filmmaking in the country by producers who have used it as a substitute for less friendly Arab locations. That, plus a climate similar to that of Southern California and a 20% rebate have made Morocco the most film-friendly territory in its region.

A beautiful view of camels on the desert captured at day light in Morocco

Moroccan incentives

Morocco also happens to have a well developed filmmaking infrastructure – the result of decades of active filmmaking in the country by producers who have used it as a substitute for less friendly Arab locations. That, plus a climate similar to that of Southern California and a 20% rebate have made Morocco the most film-friendly territory in its region.

A beautiful view of camels on the desert captured at day light in Morocco

Let's meet

We are open to new projects, just write us.

Let's meet

We are open to new projects, just write us.
